move on!!

i felt different,
in this few months time i think i've changed a little,
how i used to see my life im having now,
or how i used to judge people around me,
i've learn how to think from another perspectives,
not only to stuck myself in one edge,
but to find another way out when i know how to turn around...

well, maybe,
not everyone will realize bout this,
or maybe no one would wanna care bout this,
but what matters is me myself,
it's gonna be my life,
it's gonna be my future,
who's gonna care bout other people's god damn future?!
i can't actually do anything bout how people think of me,
but i will do something to make my life to be the life i want...
i won't just live like "i know i will go through my life",
instead i must make it like "i must live my life the way i want it to be!"

Nick Vujicic inspired everyone,
and he gave me thoughts of,
there's nothing you cannot achieve,
it just depends on how much u want it,
how long u can stay for it,
whatever it's gonna be,
no matter how hard it is,
as long you don't give up then u'll do it...
that kind of attitude he has in his life,
makes him love his life although he is physically different with other people,
but for him, he's just the same,
he still belongs to where he is...

if we keep on blaming of everything happened around us,
blaming your homework,
blaming your college,
blaming the society,
blaming the government,
is it gonna give you any changes for your life?
would it make you to live better in future??
so, are you still taking everything for granted?

think again...


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